BED PARTNER BLUES affordable dentist xenia
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Are you constantly being awakened in the middle of the night by a partner who snores? Does he or she wonder why you’re in such a bad mood due to lack of a good night’s sleep? If you bed partner snores, it could be affecting not only their life, but your life more than you think. Sleep deprivation can become a serious issue and many times, your bed partner will deny the problem or simply overlook it.
OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA…What is it? Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when a person’s breathing is interrupted during sleep. People with untreated sleep apnea stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep. Even though this process can happen hundreds of times each night, most people are not conscientiously aware it’s happening. Over time, however, symptoms can begin to manifest themselves affecting daily life and health. Some of these symptoms include fatigue, aches and pains, depression, and memory loss. Sleep apnea doesn’t only affect the person who is afflicted, it can have negative consequences on their partner…they are being deprived of sleep as well!
Here are 10 signs you or your partner may have Obstructive Sleep Apnea:
– Daytime Sleepiness
– Snoring
– Depression
– Forgetfulness
– Morning Headaches
– Not feeling refreshed in the morning
– Gasping
– Energy Loss
– Memory Loss
– Grinding teeth at night
Your dentist can help! There is ample evidence supporting the effectiveness of oral appliances. This custom designed “mouthpiece” fits over teeth and is designed by a licensed dentist who has advanced training in dental sleep medicine. The orthotic device gently realigns the tongue and jaw to create an open airway and allow normal air flow to the lungs during sleep. There are many benefits to oral appliances!
They are:
– Covered by most medical insurances
– Easy to use and comfortable to wear
– Portable
– Easier to use than CPAP
They can:
– Help achieve better sleep
– Help improve daytime functioning
– Help achieve less snoring
– Help improve the sleep of bed partner
CONCERNED? Take the test here
If you scored greater than 10 contact us!
Treatment is simple and can be completed in a few appointments.*
(*The only way to be sure you have Obstructive Sleep Apnea is to have a sleep study completed at home or at a qualified sleep center. A score of 10 or greater on the quiz indicates pathological sleepiness)
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