Dr. Greg Austria Xenia Dentist Bellbrook Dentist
You may think that cavities are the number one problem dentists address with their patients. Would you believe that GUM DISEASE is a huge problem as well? In fact, a large number of the American population has some sort of gum disease with an early indicator being gums that are swollen, sore, and bleeding. This condition is called Gingivitis. If that sounds scary, it’s because it is.
DON’T IGNORE BLEEDING GUMS! You would be worried if you were brushing your hair and your scalp was bleeding…well, you should be worried if you see blood in the sink after brushing your teeth. Gum disease is serious business and is a major cause of tooth loss. Like so many other afflictions, the early signs of gum disease are not painful at all so many times patients ignore those early symptoms because their daily routines are not affected. It is so important to talk with your dental professional if you notice changes in your teeth or gums because getting the problem diagnosed and treated early can make a huge difference later on…not only in your mouth but in the rest of your body…think HEART DISEASE (that’s scary too.) Make no mistake, there is a definite link between the two – here’s why:
When a person has gum disease and the gums bleed, the bacteria from the mouth can reach the rest of your system by going into the bloodstream. Once there, the bacteria can access the arteries near your heart and wreak havoc. This is why gum disease is so closely linked to heart disease. Studies show that the plaque that builds up in arteries and leads to heart attacks is found in only one other place in the body -you guessed it: The mouth. So the moral of the story is: When you take care of your gums, you take care of your heart too.
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Dr. Greg Austria Xenia Dentist Bellbrook Dentist
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